Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trouble loves me...

I just got off the phone, did a little catching up with Goretti. Good convos bring on a good mood. We got to talking about buying homes and making investments. I know it sounds super "grown up" but I can't wait to buy a house. It's funny, cause Jen and I LOVE the show House Hunters but right now I'm watching this show called "Property Virgins" and this couple is buying a house in Austin...gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't wait.

The more I think about it the more I want to buy a place in California. Look at this home and feel its vibe. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Remember how I said we were going to get Sushi last friday? Well, we did... I finished an entire bottle of wine during dinner and really the rest is a blur. The food was so good and the company was definitely fun so we are doing it again tomorrow!

This is my pal Jackie. Such a funny, funny guy.

Anna and Aja

School pictures

Today before our Ice cream lecture. You'z a fool if you think ice cream is just sucrose, milk and yolks. A FOOL. Tons of math involved.

Ma girls - Aja and Anna

Vanilla - Earl Grey Ice cream. I think my partner switched the grey for gray. eh. Anyway, this stuff was YUMMY.

This is not finished. It's hazelnut/chocolate ice cream sandwich. Oh yes, I'm in my ice cream class now btw.

incomplete parfait. This is raspberry coulis, with a filling of vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream... gahhhhh so good! I sprayed the outside with chocolate for a matte finish and topped it off with some simple decorations.

Apparently this is big in France. Not my thing. It's covered in vanilla whip, pieces of french meringue and inside ya have apricot and cherry sorbet... which are incredibly delicious!

oh yeth

Jen just got her plane ticket to Chicago! She will be here 9/14-9/19!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


My two chef instructors are all over the first 51 seconds of this trailer. I'm such a pastry nerd that I am waiting in anticipation for this! NO JOKE

Thursday, July 22, 2010

sugar toof

Today I brought home an abundance of candies (I made 'em). None of which I'll be eating. I need to get myself over to a post office asap before I forget and they go bad.

I needs me a lamp, new shades, a rug, a trash can and something for me walls. This is my room so far:

Tonight a girl from school said she had an extra ticket to the Symphony. Extraordinary seats and experience. Totally out of my element but I truly and thoroughly enjoyed the night.

Middle of the downtown - sorry for the horrible quality.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I've never enjoyed a Sunday. I was always the type of person who let Monday's ruin my Sunday's. I hated school, I hated work. I dreaded going into either. But, yeah, this was the first time in a long time, if not ever that I was actually excited to go to school. Today my group began our "Sugar Candies" class. We made Passion apricot pate de fruit, french pralines and caramels (BEST I'VE EVER HAD GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!). Tomorrow we will take on vanilla marshmallows, nougat, and chocolate caramel. HEAVEN I TELL YA! My class consists of 18 really chill people and this Friday we are going to go out for Sushi and possibly coming back to my place for drinks. We'll see.

So, we (jen and I) are moving to Austin once I come back and her lease is over. I'm thinking the culinary scene is thriving there more so than in SA. and I guess we'll just take it from there. Maybe end up in Portland, San Francisco or even LA! So exciting!

I miss my tambourine

Found these guy on a random weeknight in China town, walking up to a Loft and getting drunk on free beer. WHAT A NIGHT! 2008 whaaaat!

Also, I started taking the Yashica to school today. Tons of pictures coming up!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I can't stop laughing!!

I just heard a rumor which I found COMPLETELY ludicrous. Apparently I am a HETEROPHOBE. hahahaaaaaaaaa! don't hang your insecurities on me. This is so becoming a joke, just like the person(s) who created it.

That's like taking 15 steps back, yo. Fighting to be accepted but discriminating *your* sexual preference. I don't care if you like furries, men, women, transgenders, what have you. Stop making excuses to justify being an ugly person

Funny that I'm the heterophobe but I had to sit and listen to dildo and strap-on jokes...repeatedly.

Yours truly,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dream a little dream.

Here I am in Chicago! My favorite city in the US of A! My lovely girlfriend is the only person this city is missing. She will be visiting in two months, if I had it my way, she'd fall in love and start packing IMMEDIATELY.. Now, when I'm in Texas and she's there... well that's a different story. This woman is enough to keep me in a state where MOST humans lack substance.

School! School is a dream. I feel like at any minute I could be woken up. But it's real, I'm really pursuing my dream. Life is bitter-sweet right now and talking to my best friend (jennifer) everyday is making it easier. It's hard being away from the person you love the most and not feel like you've "abandoned" them. Luckily, I am dating someone who knows what kind of sacrifices one needs to make - to be able to enjoy all the other good things life has to offer.

I remember hearing this song at some random L.A party... Well, it was actually Hannah and Landon's going away party where the DJ played vinyl all night long. There was also a make out room where every giddy couple was running in and out of. This played, and I swear I had to fight the tears:

Me, you and Vegas=


Damn me for leaving behind my record player.