The more I think about it the more I want to buy a place in California. Look at this home and feel its vibe. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Remember how I said we were going to get Sushi last friday? Well, we did... I finished an entire bottle of wine during dinner and really the rest is a blur. The food was so good and the company was definitely fun so we are doing it again tomorrow!
This is my pal Jackie. Such a funny, funny guy.
Anna and Aja
School pictures
Today before our Ice cream lecture. You'z a fool if you think ice cream is just sucrose, milk and yolks. A FOOL. Tons of math involved.
Ma girls - Aja and Anna
Vanilla - Earl Grey Ice cream. I think my partner switched the grey for gray. eh. Anyway, this stuff was YUMMY.
This is not finished. It's hazelnut/chocolate ice cream sandwich. Oh yes, I'm in my ice cream class now btw.
incomplete parfait. This is raspberry coulis, with a filling of vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream... gahhhhh so good! I sprayed the outside with chocolate for a matte finish and topped it off with some simple decorations.
Apparently this is big in France. Not my thing. It's covered in vanilla whip, pieces of french meringue and inside ya have apricot and cherry sorbet... which are incredibly delicious!
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