Monday, March 15, 2010


I have been getting phone calls along with emails from the dean of admissions, she has been urging me to finally submit my application. She knows I am nervous and scared to pursue something so monumental. I'm like a cat, I like to lounge around and see the world pass me. Don't get me wrong, I dream... I dream BIG. Her and I agreed to stay in contact, unfortunately, I have not kept my bid of the bargain. There is something me stopping but I don't know what it is. Moving to Chicago is a huge deal to me. Leaving behind my girlfriend (who you'll meet later) and my family again irks me. Also, moving into a city where I don't know a soul is kind of off putting yet exciting.

I HAVE TO DO THIS. BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY I WANT TO DO THIS. By the time I'm 28 I want to create to most amazing desserts. Not only that, I want to have my own business. Maybe a shop, a dessert bar or perhaps a catering business. I never want to work for anyone else again. Being my own boss is the only option for me.

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